Source code for predicting unknow frame's scene number

Sample shader graphs

Scripts explanation

All the scripts are written in python 3.8. To run the script, please lunch a python tools like Anaconda or directly run "python"

  1. Merge shader graphs from a frame to one disjoint graph for that frame [code]

    The input files are shader graphs representing by edgelist and nodelist. The output will be edgelist and nodelist of a grpah which is the combination of all shader graphs in each frame

  2. Predict which scene the unknown frame belongs to using graph convolutional neural network (GCN) and explainability method saliency map with contrastive gradients (CG) [code]

Useful Link

  1. convolutional neural network (GCN) and explainability method saliency map with contrastive gradients (CG) [code]